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AlnwickKajetan Blog

Health and Fitness

Stomach Ulcer Symptoms

By AlnwickKajetan at 2010-11-10 03:09:36
Stomach ulcer symptoms are characterized by a burning sensation in the stomach, sometimes mistaken for heartburn. These symptoms can last anywhere from one half hour to several hours and may happen at any time. Although once thought to be caused mainly by stress, recent research shows that some stomach ulcers may be caused by the Helicobacter pylori bacteria which can be passed from person to person through kissing and contaminated foods.

A stomach ulcer is a very painful and potentially fatal affection. Stomach ulcers are in fact holes in the stomach lining, causing severe pain and internal bleeding. If untreated, the hole can pass through the stomach lining and allow its corrosive contents to escape into the surrounding tissue. For a long time it was thought that spicy food, stress and alcohol are the main factors leading to a stomach ulcers.

Generally, stomach ulcers are asymptomatic but this may have some symptoms and these are indigestion, nausea, and vomiting and weight loss. A person having stomach ulcer may have abdominal pain just below the ribcage. Patient may receive loss of appetite. The most common symptom is that a person has altered blood present in bowel movements and vomiting.

Some antacids contain aspirin which is known to cause ulcers if used over prolonged periods. Because antacids are never going to fix any ulcer, you could get hooked on the temporary relief you get, and end up taking an antacid for a prolonged period. Result - the aspirin may cause more ulcers. Bottom line - avoid antacids. They can start a vicious cycle of pain and relief, without ever fixing the problem.

Stomach ulcer symptoms may be treated with basic antacids or an even stronger medication, which requires a prescription. Stomach ulcer medications such as Protonix can actually help to reduce the acid production in your stomach and many find it useful in the treatment of stomach ulcers.

One way is when too much acid and pepsin damages the stomach lining, which results in ulcers. And the second, more commonly way, is when the damage is first caused by some other means making the stomach lining vulnerable to even an ordinary level of acid and pepsin.

You are normally asked to eat only bland, easily digestible foods for two or three days before the test. After drinking the chalky liquid, you will be asked to lie down on a tilting examining table, which as it tilts, evenly distributes the barium around your upper digestive tract and allows the x-ray to capture images at different angles.

Stomach ulcer causes burning sensations in the abdomen behind the breastbone which can be especially painful when the stomach is empty. Other symptoms include belching, nausea, fatigue, heartburn, vomiting, chest pain, bleeding, and loss of appetite and weight.

Although some of these symptoms can also be symptoms of a stomach virus or gastric ulcer, if you have even the slightest feeling that it could be cancerous, then go to your doctor. This will require an examination both from a gastroenterologist and an oncologist..

These symptoms of a stomach ulcer require immediate attention aside from searching for pain relief. Ignoring the symptoms could lead to major damage of your stomach lining and breakdown of internal tissues. So, it is very important for you to pay full attention to your body once you feel that you might have one or two of these advanced symptoms.
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